A playful celebration of life, love & spirit
Friday June 29th – Sunday July 1st 2018
Imagine a natural sacred space filled with light and love and playfulness
To touch the veil, to disappear thru, and to return, awestruck in love
We will explore new and old ways of touching the field lightly & joyously connecting with each other and with Nature
Through the rich experiences of:
- Authentic Dance, Yoga, Miracle Sharing
- Kirtan Devotional Singing, Story Telling,
- Sound Bathing, Journeying, Circle Singing
- Medicine Walk, Star Gazing,
- Feasting, Laughing and Sacred Ceremony
All to release our natural joy !
Whats on offer?
Kirtan – a form of bhakti devotional yoga, using ancient Sanskrit call-and-response mantras. This joyous ancient practice calls sacred energies to remove obstacles so that the heart can open to the divine
Miracle Sharing Circle – we will create a space to share the miraculous stories in our own experience
Authentic Dance – kick off your shoes and lose yourself in the dance to some great tunes out under the stars
Circle of Songs – come and learn simple beautiful songs from this land and afar.
Singing to the Sky – we lie on the grass with our heads together looking at the sky allowing each out breathe to become a sound, the glorious cacophony that arises is at once profoundly healing, awesome and hilarious
Scratch Band Concert / Cabaret – everyone’s in the band – bring a trombone, a Cello, a ukulele a shaker or anything in between – let your light shine up on the hill!
Creative Writing – Drawing – Painting – bring whatever makes you joyful and share it as you feel
A Poem to guide us….
I dreamed the Twinklearium
I woke up with a start
I sat up straight, eyes wide and shining
Vastly beats my heart
What is this Twinklearium
I perceive with unveiled eyes
Like aquarium, terrarium
A window to the skies
And all contained in here we are
Or outside looking in
Sometimes maybe the shades are up
And now the veils are thin
This ginormous huge glass bell jar
Twinks within this magic land
and light fairy dancing feet
and the finger on ET’s outstretched hand