This is our globally acclaimed exploration of what it means to be human! What it means to be you from the widest possible perspective. Founded on the ground-breaking work of Judith Hemming and developed by Nic Turner with programs in China, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, and the UK, this retreat uses constellations and Earth Wisdom to explore life’s journey in an experiential dogma-free context. It aims to help you remember where you have come from and why you are here.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living

creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation.

Albert Einstein (Quoted in H.Eves 1977)

Brazilian Style

Just as the Brazilians have a radical creative flair in soccer, they bring that same approach to personal and spiritual development! For many Brazilians, the existence of an invisible world of beings and forces which profoundly influence our personal journey is just a fact of life, ‘no big deal’. For them ‘channelling’ is the capacity to connect to this dis-incarnate realm and access other wisdom and insights.

Our dear friends Jose Luis Weiss and Cristina Vasconcellos are coming over from Brazil to co-run this retreat bringing their own Brazilian creativity and flair and to help us explore how we can use channelling to help us remember who we are.

For leaders, therapists, agents, entrepreneurs, and artists  

If you find yourself in a position where you influence others you, have a responsibility to look deeply into yourself. The Realms program is a sort of spiritual MOT, your chance to delve deeply into where you are on your journey based on Judith Hemming’s 5Realms model:

our connection to the oneness, all potential before it manifests in form

invisible universal and ancestral forces that profoundly influence our journey

the way that our families, our work and our culture impact how we feel and what we do

the ongoing dance between our thoughts and our feelings that shapes our experience of life

the extraordinary capacity of our bodies to explore these realms through the power of presence

The gifts of the program:

  • Learning to use the 5Realms model to make more informed interventions
  • Using constellations to discern what to let go of
  • Using Earth Wisdom to re-connect with your unique purpose
  • Using channelling to either inform your journey or to build your capacity as a channel if you so wish
  • A unique opportunity for a cosmic health check reviewing your Fate, Destiny, Pre-birth Intention and Soul
  • A chance to further develop skills in constellating, the medicine wheel and channelling

Led By

Nic Turner: Over the last thirty years, Nic has woven Constellations, Medicine Wheels technology and Creative Leadership to form a unique practice which is being used by leaders and organisations globally. He is the co-author of ‘The Way of nowhere’ which outlines this practice. He is co-founder of the land project and now shares the Realms practice with partners all over the world.

Susie Turner

Susie, co-founder of The Land, has an MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy, and has studied and worked in the areas of health and fitness, movement and dance for over 30 years. She is passionate about using body based practices to gain insight and clarity into our patterns.

Jose Luis Wiess

Jose is ex-chairman of an association of HR directors in Brazil and has had executive director roles in many Global businesses. He is currently director of Corall consulting in San Paulo. He is one of the founder members of the Sao Paulo channeling group and is one of Brazil’s most experienced organizational constellators.

Cristina Vasconcellos

Originally a lawyer specialising in family law, Cristina was a founder of the Sao Paulo channeling group. She is now one of Brazil’s leading constellators and leads an active constellating group in São Paulo. She is also a systemic and generative coach that supports the development of individuals and families